News source: trump-approves-huge-taiwan-arms-120440951.html
Friday, November 27, 2020
Trump approves huge Taiwan arms deal in latest blow to China relations, Taiwan Military News.
News source: trump-approves-huge-taiwan-arms-120440951.html
Thursday, November 26, 2020
China Is Depending On The Public of Free Countries To Blame Their Own Presidents, But The Virus Is MADE IN CHINA! US Military News.
The US insistently sent Warships to the Taiwan Strait, increasingly making China angry and cornered, Taiwan Military News.
News states: The US insistently sent Warships to the Taiwan Strait, increasingly making China angry and cornered. The commanding officer of the USS Barry, US Warships, emphasized Sunday that its travel through the Taiwan Strait and presence in the South China Sea is essential to keeping up a free and open Indo-Pacific. The freedom of all nations to navigate international waters is critically important. Barry's travel of the Taiwan Strait yesterday guaranteed the privilege and imparted the certainty, everything being equal, to exchange and convey in the South China Sea," Commander Chris Gahl said in a US Pacific Fleet delivery.
US Releases Video To Warn China, Declassified Video: US F-35 Drop A B61 Nuclear Gravity Bomb! Taiwan Military News.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Lets Make A Prediction Of US President Biden And His Next Moves On China, Taiwan Military News.
5) Hidden Fees The fees aren’t really “hidden,” but most dealers aren’t going to publicize all the extra costs—like processing fees.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
US senators urge WHO to include Taiwan, Because China And Tedros of WHO Are Causing The Spread Of Covid, Resulting In Millions Of Deaths! Taiwan Military News.
Two Chinese military aircraft intrude into Taiwan’s ADIZ, Tempting US Warships and Jets To Shoot em down! Taiwan Military News.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Huge US Ships Raising Hell In Taiwan Strait Keeping Asia Safe! Hell Yeah, Don't Mess With The USA, Taiwan Military News.
Oh yeah! USS Barry and many other US ships are out there watching over Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, and anything near China, because China is trying to take over the world while Covid19 is putting democracies world wide in chaos. Not in Taiwan, since we are almost Covid free, all the new cases come from people flying in, but they have to quarantine for 2 weeks mandatory, GPS checked and daily checks by gov officials. These ships are scaring the piss out of China. Don't mess with the big dogs China! If China makes a move, those US destroyers will soon find they are backed up by two US nuclear submarines...each packing a whopping load of nuclear missiles on each. The redneck in me says lets blow some stuff up America! LOL.
US government approves equipment for Taiwan's submarine production, Taiwan Military News.
News Source:
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Taiwanese Navy said Sunday (Nov. 22) that two items of equipment required to manufacture a submarine have been approved by the U.S. and contracts signed with the American company involved.
On Tuesday, (Nov. 24) President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) will preside over the CSBC’s submarine production commencement ceremony.
The Navy confirmed in a press release that submarine construction was on schedule. It pointed out the Control Yuan’s National Defense and Intelligence Committee reviewed the status of the domestic submarine project on Sept. 25 and the Legislative Yuan’s Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee visited the CSBC submarine manufacturing plant in Kaohsiung on Oct. 26 to conduct an on-site inspection.
The Navy stated that CSBC has met all the requirements for production and is scheduled to begin on Tuesday (Nov. 24). It added the U.S. government recently approved two major items of equipment and that agreements have been signed with their manufacturers, CNA reported.
Taiwan Welcomes US Navy admiral to Taiwan With Open Arms Of Friendship, Taiwan Military News.
Hey guys guess what, US Navy rear Admiral Michael Studeman arrived in Taipei, Taiwan on yesterday on Sunday. For those who never heard of him, he is a two-star navy admiral overseeing U.S. military intelligence in the Asia-Pacific region.
Friday, November 20, 2020
Hey I Got Into National Interest US Military Magazine! One Guy In Taiwan Can Make A Difference! Taiwan World News.
News source:
Hey, what do you know, I got into the US military world news magazine The National Interest when I reported on finding a cloaked B1 bomber on Google Earth map. Yeah I've been in a bit of world news every now and then, but I'm focusing now on Taiwan and how we can grow as a democracy. Let Freedom Ring!
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Taiwan F16 Fighter Pilot National Hero For Confronting Chinese Invading Jet On Nov 17, 2020, Taiwan World News.
Taiwan, A Free Country That Rules Itself Now And Forever! Let Freedom Ring! Taiwan World News.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to a news site dedicated to maintain the freedom and truth about Taiwan. I will post things that need to be said, but have not been said. This site is dedicated to current event news of Taiwan, US military and alliances made as well as the progress and preserving the freedom of Taiwan. For if there is no struggle...there is no progress.
Scott C. Waring - Former USAF Veteran In Taiwan
Guatemalan leader affirms friendship with Taiwan, but will they withstand Chinas pressure to break away? Taiwan military news.
Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei on Saturday reaffirmed his country’s friendship with Taiwan and announced a plan to visit Taiwan...

News Source: Guys, this is really big for Taiwan. US has approved contracts with a US based...
On Tuesday the 17th of November 2020, Colonel Chiang Cheng-chih (蔣正志), took off from the Hualien Air Base at 6:05pm for a scheduled nigh...
News states: A U.S. aircraft carrier group led by the USS Theodore Roosevelt has entered the South China Sea to promote “freedom of the sea...